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The Saudi Council of Engineers announces the launch of a number of specialized and free courses in partnership with Grundfos Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Council of Engineers announces the launch of a number of specialized and free courses in partnership with Grundfos Saudi Arabia
. 25 November, 2020

The Saudi Council of Engineers announces the launch of a number of specialized and free courses in partnership with Grundfos Saudi Arabia.

These courses cover several major areas such as pumping solutions and processors, basic engine theories in water, installation, maintenance and operation of pumps, deep well pumps and fire pumps, energy testing, as well as pump evaluation and over pumping in commercial buildings.

Knowing that there are certificates issued by Grundfos Corporation to attend all these courses.

To register for the courses, please go to the following links:

First session: I Solution - part 1 (in Arabic) click here

Second session: I Solution – part2 (in Arabic) click here

Third session: Basic Pump Theory click here

 Fourth session: Basic Motor Theory click here

Fifth session: Pumps installation, Service & operation click here

Sixth session: Energy check, condition monitoring, Fire pumps installation and deep well pumps click here

Seventh session: Energy Check and Assessment of pumps click here

Eighth session: Pressure Boosting in Commercial Buildings click here