His Excellency the Vice-President of the Board of Grievances, HE Sheikh Ali bin Abdulrahman Al-Hammad, met in his office today the Secretary-General of the Saudi Council of Engineers, Dr. Hussein al-Fadhli, in order to discuss ways of joint cooperation between the Council and the Board in the field of engineering arbitration, and to provide insight into the most important objectives and strategies pursued by the Council in this area, in an effort to develop engineering arbitration, and create a new generation of official arbitrators authorized by the Council and the official courts in Saudi Arabia.
This has been explained by the Secretary-General of the Council, Dr. Hussein al-Fadhli who added that this visit aims to clarify the most important steps undertaken by the Council in the resolution of disputes through formal methods, and to emphasize the mission of the Engineering Arbitration Center that focuses on building distinguished arbitrating competencies in the field of engineering, who can contribute effectively to the growth of the local economy, in addition to spreading the engineering arbitration awareness among engineers, and working on rendering the center an international reference in the field of engineering arbitration, patterning after the global arbitration centers.
The Director of the Engineering Arbitration Center of the Saudi Council of Engineers, Engineer Abdul Karim Al-Saadoun, presented a visual presentation illustrating the prominent qualifications of the Engineering Arbitration Center, which included its comprehensive knowledge of the scientific principles of contracts, designs, and implementation; its ability in the technical analysis of the issues of dispute; and its ability to reach scientific results, and easily access scientific references of engineering that support the judgments it issues. Engineer Abdul Karim Al-Saadoun also illustrated the benefits of qualifying specialized arbitrators, as well as shedding light on the most famous Engineering Arbitration Centers and Councils. The presentation also included the most important beneficiaries of the Engineering Arbitration Center, namely the ministries, governmental institutions, and judicial districts –including all its administrative and commercial stages-, traders, businessmen, and managers of public and private companies and institutions, individuals with limited interests, and engineers arbitrators.
In addition, he shed light on the services provided by the Engineering Arbitration Center, most importantly having technical expertise, issuing decisions of arbitration, offering training courses and consultancy studies, and giving arbitration certificates for professionals. Through the presentation, Engineer Al-Saadoun also explained the methodology followed by the Arbitration Center, which is based on the arbitration law, and The Law of Procedure before Shari'ah Courts issued by two Royal Decrees, and the law of arbitration in a number of Gulf and Arab countries, and all the international regulations. Moreover, he explained the manner of qualifying technical experts and arbitrators, and steps to grant them the engineering arbitration certificate depending on the specialization of each engineer, in addition to illustrating the steps of the development of arbitrators and technical experts.