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Saudi Council of Engineers Launches its New Web Portal

Saudi Council of Engineers Launches its New Web Portal
. 10 August, 2015
​The Saudi Council of Engineers' Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Jamil Al-Bagawi, launches the Council's web portal with its new guise. The new portal was designed and developed in accordance with the best modern and international technologies of designing and developing websites and web systems. In its design, the ease of use, quick access to information and up-to-date content in both English and Arabic are taken into account, in order to provide the best services to users and members of the Council. The main characters and features, which characterize the new portal, are the complete reconstruction, categorization, and classification of all departments and divisions of the Council, in order to facilitate browsing and use. In addition, links of training courses and programs, provided by the Council, are also taken into account, so the engineer can view and register in them. Locations of the Council's branches are provided and clarified through Google Maps service. Moreover, all details of the Council's officials are provided. Besides, a form of suggestions and notes are available. Some links of interest to engineers are highlighted, such as Careers site, Membership Benefits and other services that will make the website more interactive and attractive.
In this regard, The Council's Secretary General, Dr. Hussein al-Fadhli, said that the launch of the website comes from the strategic transformation plan of the Council's Board at its fifteenth cycle, which aims to advance the professional work and raise the quality, performance and outputs of the Council, in order to meet requirements and aspirations of members and the different engineering sectors. Also, this plan will have a positive reflection on the engineering sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and keep pace with the orientations of the Kingdom in applying the smart e-government standards in all government sectors, praising efforts of the Information Technology Department of the Council in the pursuit to develop the web portal by relying on national engineering competencies. He also stated that the Council is currently working on an important and strategic project in information technology, which will be launched soon, Allah willing!​