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Engineering Offices
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Training And Qualification
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General Administration of Professional Accreditation & Qualification
SCE Departments
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Administration Objectives:
To follow the standards established by the international engineering professional accreditation networks
To develop the professional classification to produce professional engineering talents
To promote best practices in engineering work
To promote professional training and development of engineering graduates and practitioners
To enable the technical and consulting role of the engineering divisions
Organizational Structure:
Registration and Membership Department
Objective: To follow the standards established by the international engineering professional accreditation networks.
•Joining the Washington Accord:
•Mutual recognition between Saudi Arabia and the signatory countries of the outputs of the engineering education.
•Devising criteria for registration and admission (Admission and Registration Guide).
•Creating a database of locally and internationally accredited engineering programs and periodically reviewing it.
Testing and Classification Department:
Objective: To develop professional classification to produce professional engineering talents
•Joining the International Professional Engineers Agreement (IPEA)
•Mutual recognition between Saudi Arabia and the signatory countries of the professional grades
•Developing regulations and guidelines (Rules of Testing and Classification)
•Developing professional tests with Qiyas
To promote best practices in engineering work
•Putting the code of professional conduct and Engineer's Charter into action
•Holding workshops on the Law regulating the practice of engineering professions and raising awareness of laws and regulations
International Engineering Agreements:
International Professional Engineers Agreement (IPEA)
Full Signatories (2017)
·United States (1997)
·United Kingdom (1997)
·Australia (1997)
·Canada (1997)
·Ireland (1997)
·New Zealand (1997)
·Hong Kong (1997)
·Japan (1999)
·Malaysia (1999)
·Korea (2000)
·Singapore (2007)
·South Africa (2007)
·Sri Lanka (2007)
·Chinese Taipei (2009)
·India (2009)
PROVISIONAL Signatories (2017)
·Saudi Arabia
Washington Accord
Full Signatories (2017)
·United States - (1989)
·United Kingdom - (1989)
·Australia - (1989)
·Canada - (1989)
·Ireland - (1989)
·New Zealand - (1989)
·South Africa - (1999)
·Hong Kong - (1995)
·Japan - (2005)
·Singapore - (2006)
·Chinese Taipei (2007)
·Korea - (2007)
·Malaysia - (2009)
·Turkey - (2011)
·Russia (2012)
·India - (2014)
·Sri Lanka - (2014)
·China - (2016)
Provisional Signatories (2017)
·Costa Rica
·Saudi Arabia
Training and Development Department:
To promote professional training and development among engineering graduates and practitioners
•Issuing a quarterly calendar of the training courses
•Setting standards for training institutes (registration, accreditation, evaluation)
•Encouraging expert engineers and practitioners to hold specialized courses
•Professional Development Program (PDP) for graduate engineers
•Publishing the Professional Development Guide
•Executing the Professional Development Plan
•Continuous Development Program (CPD) for professional engineers
•Publishing the Continuous Development Guide
•Executing the Continuous Development Plan
Engineering Divisions Department:
To enable the technical and consulting role of the engineering divisions
•Engaging the engineering divisions in the Competency Mapping Program (C-Mapping)
•Technical consultation of the training department regarding the content of the specialized courses
•Reviewing performance indicators of the engineering divisions
Origin And Definition
Vision And Mission
Board Of Directors
Secretary General Speech
Organization Structure
SCE Regulations
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