Provision of various services to male and female engineers, engineering offices and community is one of the most important objectives pursued by the General Administration of Services at the Saudi Council of Engineers. In this regard, the General Administration of Services supervises and coordinates between the different departments.
Organizational Structure:

Objectives of the General Administration of Services:

  • To pay attention to the mental image of the Council and root it through the development of programs and initiatives.

  • To enable the role of the Council in the industry of international conferences to confirm the role of the Council and the Kingdom in the development of the engineering profession locally and internationally, and to support its members to attend such conferences.

  • To expand membership benefits to health, educational, recreational areas and others, and market them for beneficiaries.

  • To develop the benefits of membership to meet the professional needs of engineers and develop their skills and competences.

  • To strengthen the role of the Council in serving the community and promote its social responsibility.

  • To enhance communication service level.


Public Relations and Media:


To pay attention to the mental image of the Council and root it through the development of programs and initiatives.


Adopting and honoring distinguished engineers.

Holding periodic meetings with prominent people to highlight their success stories.

Holding a competition for engineers' children «Young Engineer»

Establishment of a comprehensive media center (filming and montage, design and graphics, editing, and specialized in content creation for social media websites).

Conferences and events:
Objective: To enable the role of the Council in the international conference industry to root the role of the Kingdom in the development of the engineering profession locally and internationally.

  • Holding a periodic international engineering conference sponsored by a legal personality and comprised of a number of engineering specializations along with the participation of officials and experts from the engineering sector.

  • Preparing for specialized engineering conferences.

  • Modern Technologies in the Engineering Sector Forum, a quarterly forum presenting modern engineering techniques.

  • Connecting with the Saudi Exhibition & Convention Bureau in order to identify the engineering events that will be held in the Kingdom and support engineers in attending them.

    Members Services:
    To develop the benefits of membership to help engineers in the professional performance so as to contribute to the advancement of engineering profession and engineers in the Kingdom.

  • Insurance services program for members (medical insurance, professional insurance, cars insurance) at competitive prices and benefits.

  • Discounted prices on transportation, tourism, entertainment and shopping.

  • Information Campaign through:
    Social media websites and members' mobile SMS and email.
    Publishing a booklet explaining all the benefits of the membership.
    Programming a mobile application on the membership benefits.

  • Finding supporters for the benefits provided by the Council through big companies.

  • Seeking assistance from a specialized company to develop and operate the call center.

  • Publishing an information guide to the services of the Council.

  • Developing social media channels while increasing informational and awareness campaigns.

  • Organizing the day-to-day feeding of all daily programs and activities of the Council through a unified information center.